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The Most Common Business Mistakes That Product Evaluation Can Solve 

November 01, 20223 min read

The Most Common Business Mistakes That Product Evaluation Can Solve

Product development is the most critical job of any company that makes goods. And anyone involved in product development knows there will be bumps in the road. But there are ways to avoid common problems using a robust product evaluation process. Let's take a look.

Mistake #1: Thinking a Good Idea Equals a Good Product

It's true – just because something is a great idea doesn't mean it will automatically become a great product. Quite the opposite, really.

For instance – a great idea would be to offer "free internet anyone that in the world can access," – which sounds like a winning model, right? But the logistics of actually accomplishing that put it far out of the reach of nearly any company we know. It's a great idea - but not a marketable product.

By utilizing product evaluation, you could determine whether or not a basic concept can be translated into a good product in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Mistake #2: Touting Features Over Advantages

Many companies love highlighting the valuable features of their favorite products—but it's actually the last thing they should be doing. Most buyers don't care about features. What they really care about is the product's advantages for accomplishing a specific goal.

Features only matter if they provide the advantage your customer needs. Product evaluation could help you identify whether or not a product has that advantage.

Mistake #3: Liking Our Own Solutions Too Much

Problem-solving is a skill. So it's understandable that when we solve a problem, we're proud of it. If we see someone struggling with the same issue, we want to suggest our solution to help. But what if our solution isn't necessarily the best solution? Product evaluation takes a hard look at whether or not any proposed solution is actually the best way to do something. And if it's not, you'll know.

Product evaluation doesn't take into account your attachment to your solution. It doesn't care about feelings – and this unbiased firmness is precisely the decision-making power you need to push the right products forward.

This level of calculation firmness can also benefit the rest of your company. When people know they're expected to find the right answer instead of the easy one, they're pushed to do better than ever.

Moving The Right Ideas Forward

It isn't always easy to give up on the great ideas, features, and solutions that your team comes up with. But to make an outstanding product, you must look beyond your instincts and prove your answer is right.

Our team at Ethany is committed to this level of product evaluation proces. Every new piece of software we create goes through rigorous designing and testing to ensure it's the best solution to whatever problem you're having.

If this is the help, you need to get the right ideas on track at your organization, contact our team today and ask for a complimentary evaluation. We can help you figure out more than what you need—we can help you learn why.

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