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Benefits of developing Web Solution connected to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products (via API interfaces)

November 02, 20222 min read

Over the last several years, many businesses have begun to explore using web solutions to improve their access to commercial off-the-shelf products, emphasizing API interfaces to smooth the use and development.

Here's what you need to know.

What are API Interfaces?

API stands for "Application Programming Interface" and refers to a set of programming tools used to create software. These can be thought of as "high-level" tools that programmers use. For example, suppose a developer needed to query several different types of databases. In that case, they might create an API to access each database and compile their responses into a single output format.

In the practical sense, APIs make it possible to remotely control computers and servers, allowing the company to access their other software from smartphones or other devices.

The Benefits of APIs

Companies using APIs will see various benefits, based primarily on the software they use and how valuable access over the web is. However, there are a few benefits that businesses typically tend to see, including:

Streamlined access: Many companies don't need to use commercial off-the-shelf products precisely as they are. In many cases, the software can be unpleasantly complex and distracting. A web solution allows a company to access and display only the parts of the software that it actually needs, trimming excess buttons and controls into something more useful to the task at hand.

Mobile use: Many people prefer to work on the go — whether it's walking across the office to collaborate with someone or finishing up some work on the way home, mobile access means they're not cut off from things just because they aren't in front of their desk.

Customization: In addition to its other features, web solutions can provide new features to off-the-shelf software, essentially making it a hybrid between a prepackaged product and a fully customized piece of software. This is ideal for companies who need just a few small changes to the software and don't want to spend time or money on a lengthier development cycle.

The Bottom Line

Implementing a web solution for your existing off-the-shelf software offers substantial usability benefits and, in turn, leads to improved productivity for the people using it.

If you think web solutions may be what your company needs, contact our team at ETHANY today for a free consultation. We'll take a look at what your software currently does and what you want it to do, then help you understand the best route to achieve those goals. Don't delay — the sooner your web solutions are implemented, the sooner you'll be able to start enjoying their benefits.

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